Plate of Nations, the signature event of the MLK Business Association, was designed to collectively promote independently-owned restaurants in the MLK community. Immigrants from around the world have settled in the Rainier Valley and started businesses that provide cultural favorites for ethnic communities looking for a taste of home. Those restaurant owners are excited to welcome other customers to join in their traditions.
Who started plate of nations?
Plate of Nations is the brainchild of Asari Mohamath, a Cham Muslim refugee from Vietnam and former owner of Salima restaurant, who wanted to develop a unified marketing event to highlight the unique and authentic cuisines offered by MLK restaurants.
How many restaurants are participating?
This year’s Plate of Nations is set to be the best yet, with participation by 70+ restaurants across Southeast Seattle: Bananas Grill, Habesha Cafe, Moochee, The Original Philly’s, Othello Wok Teriyaki, SMASH, The Comfort Zone, Buddha Bruddah, and so much more!